By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, FAAN In 2003, I conducted research with nurses not currently in leadership positions to determine factors that would lead them to either consider or reject taking a formal leadership position such as nurse manager. In this study, I was interested in learning what feedback staff were hearing about leadership roles from current nurse leaders. I … [Read more...]
Courage in Nursing Leadership
By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, FAAN In the past, courage has not been recognized as an important attribute for nurse leaders. This is changing. In my recent conversations with current nurse leaders about what our future nurse leaders will need, the ability to act courageously is increasingly part of the discussion. Without question, innovation is needed in health care … [Read more...]
When Your Manager does not Support Your Career Goals
By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, FAAN "No one can make us feel inferior without our consent" Eleanor Roosevelt It happened again last week. One of our young, rising star nurse leader graduate students came to talk with me about a dilemma she was having at work. We had just met earlier in the day with her mentor who is a senior leader in her organization. The mentor was … [Read more...]
Taking Charge – Are You Ready?
By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, FAAN “I am just not sure that I am ready to take charge on my unit. I know I have leadership skills but I am a relatively new nurse. Am I really ready to assume all this responsibility? My nurse manager thinks I have excellent leadership potential and is encouraging me to take the plunge. But what if the staff does not respect me in the role … [Read more...]
Nursing Leadership Career Derailers
By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, FAAN There are many good resources about how to be a great nursing leader. You will find far less written about the kinds of behaviors that can derail your career, some of which you may engage in unknowingly. Consider the following case study: Miranda Perez is oncology nurse with five years of experience. She recently enrolled in a graduate … [Read more...]